Tag Archives: Software Sagacity

Creating Custom UDL User Defined Languages in Notepad++

Notepad++The Notepad++ editor is the Swiss Army knife of text editing.  With hundreds of plugins, the tool can be configured as an editor to almost any development workflow.  In the previous post, we reviewed how to add comments to a JSON configuration file.  We will now create a custom editor that supports those comments and the custom configuration keywords.
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Node.js – Dynamically Loading EJS Templates

Node.jsNode.js offers a powerful engine for high-performance web development.  One of the challenges with the stock Express distribution, however, is it’s low-quality default templating system.  Jade is littered with obscure syntax, and often requires manual conversion from HTML templates in many development workflows.  Luckily, installing the EJS templating system is relatively easy, and developers can reap dividends in increased productivity throughout the lifecycle of the software.
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