Tag Archives: Software Sagacity

Node.js Video Chat Tutorial

Video ChatThe video chat revolution is bringing application interactivity to new frontiers.  Whether used to provide real-time communication, improve customer service, or give technical training, the prevalence of high-quality video cameras on smart phones and high-speed Internet access makes video chat applications easy to both build and deploy.
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Next in UI Design: No UI

ButlerAt a presentation yesterday on new trends in UI Design, designer Drew Davidson provided a surprising maxim: the best UI is no UI.  As computers advance to the point of being able to predict exactly what we want to do, instead of providing an interface for our input, the ideal system would simply read our mind and provide what we want or need.
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The Museum of the Future – Interactive Mobile Drama

Mobile DevelopmentA research project at the Hecht Museum in Israel highlights new techniques to increase visitor interaction and engagement. Presented in the paper, “Mobile Drama in an Instrumented Museum,” University of Haifa researchers developed a mobile app that augments museum exhibits, taking the concept of the audio tour to a completely new level.
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