Tag Archives: Software Sagacity

Principles of Aggressive Programming

ArchitectureWhile much has been said and entire volumes have been written regarding Defensive Programming techniques, few authors have broached the topic of Aggressive Programming.  Whereas Defensive Programming finds its ideal environment in high-security and mission-critical environments, Aggressive Programming is an excellent technique for new research-focused projects or initial prototypes in iterative system development.
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C# Design Patterns: #3 – The Prototype

PrototypeWhat do CAD design tools, workflow automation, and digital audio synthesizers have in common?  They can all benefit from the Prototype pattern in their software architecture.

Although the Prototype pattern achieves true glory in languages such as JavaScript, which base their entire class structures on Prototypes instead of traditional classes, the pattern still brings powerful functionality to C#.  Its primary use is in a very specific niche: when the users of the application will perform design work, and then group those designs into reusable subcomponents.
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