Tag Archives: Software Sagacity

Magento – Additional Properties in the Product Listing

MagentoThe Magento E-commerce platform is a highly customizable online store, with the full source code provided for advanced manipulation and coding.  With the flexibility, however, often comes the challenge of performance optimization.  For example, the default product listing screens only select a subset of the fields from the database that are directly necessary to render the listing.  In the event that the product listing needs to be customized to pull additional information from the database, the underlying PHP code needs to be updated as well.
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Node.js – EJS Function in Module

Node.jsThe EJS templating engine is one of the more effective ways to render HTML from Node / Express.js.  With an HTML syntax and simple tags for including server-side JavaScript, EJS combines the best of both HTML and Node.  While other templating engines such as Handlebars.js can also work with HTML, the EJS format is particularly flexible by enabling the full capability of the JavaScript interpreter in the template body.
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